Seven Tips to Sell a Home in a Tough Economy
By Philip Moeller
The Boomerater™ Report, our weekly collaboration with online baby boomer resource Boomerater, this week offers tips to help sell a house in a down economy. “I’m looking for clever ways to help sell my home is this tough market,” a Boomerater member asks. “My mother has moved into assisted living and I need to sell her home.” Other Boomerater members weighed in with their suggestions:
Cover the basics. Simple repairs should always be taken care of, and a fresh coat of paint can make a huge difference. Be critical when you consider the home’s curb appeal, get rid of dead or overgrown bushes, and spruce up the yard.
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The Boomerater™ Report, our weekly collaboration with online baby boomer resource Boomerater, this week offers tips to help sell a house in a down economy. “I’m looking for clever ways to help sell my home is this tough market,” a Boomerater member asks. “My mother has moved into assisted living and I need to sell her home.” Other Boomerater members weighed in with their suggestions:
Cover the basics. Simple repairs should always be taken care of, and a fresh coat of paint can make a huge difference. Be critical when you consider the home’s curb appeal, get rid of dead or overgrown bushes, and spruce up the yard.
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