Selling A House? Tips For Attracting Buyers With Good Scents
Can a potential buyer be compelled to make a big purchase if a pleasant background fragrance appeals to their senses and breaks down their defenses?
Years ago, savvy real estate agents baked cookies or cinnamon rolls in the homes they were showing to create a deliciously scented atmosphere meant to entice buyers. If you're trying to sell a home in today's challenging real estate market, you may have tried this technique. However, you may need to think a bit more creatively to make your home stand out.
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Years ago, savvy real estate agents baked cookies or cinnamon rolls in the homes they were showing to create a deliciously scented atmosphere meant to entice buyers. If you're trying to sell a home in today's challenging real estate market, you may have tried this technique. However, you may need to think a bit more creatively to make your home stand out.
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